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How to Become a smart person ?|smartness

How to Become a smart person ?|smartness 


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 in this blog im going to share some ideas by which you can easily become a SMART PERSON  .so first of all i would like to say that bad habits are the one who make a person lazy and bad in the society or in other places.avoid bad habits .

What is smartness ?
The art and habit of doing good things simply is called smartness ,it is a attraction which describe your skill and quality ,people with lazyness can never become smart ,to become  a smart person we will have to follow the rules of life, how we showld ?why we should ?where we should ?when ?,whom ?
This are the concepts which should be kept in mind to become a smart person .

so here are some points which will help you to become a smart person in your life

1.dont lie to anyone- 

Lying was never good,and never will be ,here I'm not taking about those situations where you are making something good for everything by lying ,but there is a type of lying ,which a person make it's habit ,to overcome any situation or to hurt anyone ,people like, this type of lying will make you weak from inside ,and you will feel that you are a liter and hence ,you are not a smart person ,here if you are a true person then,you may not be smart for you but ,the people around you,who knows you ,in their sight you will be a smart person ,and this is also called smartness, saying yourself smart will not make you smart ,but when people around you ,are give you a sign of smart person ,then you are really smart humble

Never think that you are only the good and all other person are ,fool or bad ,create equality ,keep thought for equality ,and treate others equally ,never insult anyone who is lagging somewhere in something ,but encourage others to improve ,many person in this world are doing this ,you might have noticed ,people use to insult others ,who is not equal like then ,they many have any problem in they or in their life .and this is very bad habit and exercise ,because everyone has equal right to live ,and situation is something which shows the position of a person, but we don't have to identify that position and take advantage of it ,and one thing that is really very bad ,that is , laughing on others situation ,who is lagging behind ,or missing something because of money ,this really hurts the person ,it goes inside ,and the person feels that he/she is useless and has got a bad life.

3.don't be a person with angryness 

Smart people control their anger,they don't get angry soon,they have the ability to understand the situation, anger shows your response towards situations,controlling anger is a big talent and habit , everyone must try to control anger,in order to become a smart person.people don't like a person with too much anger,who get angry soon without understanding the situation,first of all we should understand the situation ,and try our best to overcome that, instead of getting angry , and if you do this then you are really a smart person because you have the ability to control a situation, your works properly and dont get lazy

A person must do all those works which is must to them, in our daily ,there are many works which are done by us ,and it is our duty to do that work ,never skip this works ,because you ate the one by whom that work is to be done ,complete your works ,duties ,don't get lazy for your duties always keep in mind that there are many people in this world who are very smart ,smart doesn't mean only cleaver, but the ability to do something in a different way or style, here they don't skip the work ,they fo their work in a smart way, when you obey your duties ,regularly then you are doing you duty smartly ,never get lazy for doing your work,but it is yours and make those duties as ,source of your fun and enjoyment,take those works as a part of your life ,and this will make you smart .

5.respect everyone equally.

Respect is a very big thing in our life ,it shows our value ,(what others think about us ,) respect cannot be bought by money ,it is something which you get from your deeds ,what you do and how ,do good things to get respect from others, because this will give you a positive pose ,people will think that you are a good person ,they will know you as a smart person ,
There are many people who doesn't get much respect from others , and this is really a big problem with us ! Many people are good but they don't get respect in their life, click the link to read my article on , how to make people respect you ?-

6.maintain cleanliness

Keep yourself neat and clean ,it may be your dress ,thinking ,etc. Everywhere we should maintain cleanliness ,it is a good sign which shows us smartness ,
Cleanliness is something which attract others towards you, it creates attraction ,people will like to talk with you.

7. Self confidence

Whenever you do something ,you have a thinking ,whether you can or not ? And when there are more chances that you can , according to you ,that it is called self confidence, you believe in yourself that you can do that ,
To become a smart person ,you must have self confidence ,think that you can ,and proceed next ,increase your self confidence,let people say that you are brave ,and thinks will really make you a smart person , here you are the one to give strength to yourself ,

 these where some points on , how to become a smart person ?|smartness, be smart , which will help you to become a smart person.folloe this tips ,it will really help you . This article ,how to become a smart person ?

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How to Become a smart person ?|smartness How to Become a smart person ?|smartness Reviewed by Anonymous on July 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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